My Response:
"I realize this may not be a popular thing to say, but of all the many problems that the sport of wrestling has had (and does have), cutting weight was not one of them. Unlike, say, a female model who loses weight for an elusive ideally-thin 'look,' there was always a very specific endgame in wrestling: To make a particular weight class. And right after the day-of weigh-in, the wrestler would typically re-hydrate himself.
The dangers of cutting weight have always been overstated and never backed up by any scientific studies. Moreover, it's worth pointing out that had cutting weight been as dangerous as was claimed, we would have, literally, ten of thousands of men (former wrestlers) in their forties and older showing the ill effects. We see none of that."
#cutting weight #amateurwrestling #weightmanagement #wrestling #dieting #usawrestling