You gave this card to me a while back, so I thought I'd send it to you with my love. I've been thinking of you a lot and I know you probably just had a wonderful time in Portugal, but don't forget me. I know I'll never forget you.
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, the most passionate, the one who makes me feel so in love. I only wish that times were a little different so I could experience firsthand what your life is like, and you could enjoy mine. It saddens me to think that my true love may slip between my fingers and, in the future, be someone else's woman.
Though, if this becomes my fate, I can take solace in the thought that no one can take away the wonderfully intimate moments we had together. Moments when we shared the most honest of feelings for each other, when our bodies became one and pleasure was so much from within. If I never love again, I will have loved you with all my heart and energy and will know that there is one woman in the world that made some difficult times worthwhile.
I love you.