He walked to his bedroom door. "Give me five minutes," he said.
After a moment, his father's voice boomed. "Get your ass down here! Last day of school, don't slack off by being late!"
Gilbert felt his jaw tighten. We wanted to shout, "Fuck you, Dad, I'll be down when I damn please." Instead, he called out, "Just getting dressed. Be down in a minute." Then he closed his bedroom door with the force just short of a slam.
He walked to his bedroom window, pulled down his underwear, and dropped them to the floor. He flicked them away with his foot. He was late to leave for school, but Carly would be walking by any moment. Last chance to see her on her morning walk to school. He reached down and held himself. He started to stiffen.
Where are you? Where are you?
He cranked his neck to look as far down the street. There she was. There was Carly.
Time to get serious. He closed his eyes.
John called it spanking the monkey, but that seemed strange to Gilbert because the motion wasn’t spanking and his dick didn’t look like a monkey. Gilbert thought tossing dice would be more appropriate. And, he figured, if he ever went to Las Vegas he might be pretty damn good at a craps table.