"You're starting to sound like a soundrel," she said.
"It worked back then."
"Did it?"
He leaned in. He breath warmed her ear.
"You always were pretty," he whispered. "Now even more so."
A chill coursed through her. He leaned back.
"You certainly have a way..." she said.
He smiled.
"You always did," she said.
"Only for you."
She liked that. He could tell.
"Only for me..." she repeated softly. She took another sip from her glass. She was feeling a little dizzy. But it wasn't the wine.
"Kids are out," he said.
"And I'd like to take you home," he said.
"Take me home..."
"Would you like that?"
She didn't answer. He liked the hard to get.
"Where are the kids?"
"At your mom's," he said.
"So you had this all set up?"
"I did."
"And it's going as you wanted?"
"I hope it will." He offered his hand to her.
"So do I," she said, taking his hand.
"My lady..." he held her chair, then opned her coat.
She slid one arm in, then the other. She reached for her purse, then held his hand.
"Let's go home."